That Mitchell and Webb Wiki
That Mitchell and Webb Wiki

Sketch List[]

Arguing the Moral Toss[]

Should householders be legally allowed to shoot the distributors of take-away pizza menus.

A Song for Everyone[]

Porn on 4[]

Radio 4s new review show

Real Drama[]

The horribleness of awfulness

New Presenter[]

Where It Is! Where It Is! Where It Is!

The Doomed Whinge[]

I gotta kill all the fish, haven't I?


Alcoholic Commentators

Splitting the Bill[]

I assumed I was being subsidized

Jobbing Footballers[]

Lovely little job, Darlington


Proper Tele

Mobile Mate[]

The New Mike

Horse Aphasia[]

The brown saddle-on-it thing


57% of people are wrong.

Birthday Treat[]

The Peppermint Horndog

I Could Have Done That[]

Party Invitations[]

Friends of Bosie